Narrow serving plate, 12"
We're in the last few weeks of prepping for John's retirement. It's a very exciting time, but such a blur of Things To Do. Lists. Remember this, remember that. Right. Getting health insurance, and $'s in one place, and plans for extracting said $'s has been much harder than one would think. We moving along.
I decided to make some simple trays for appetizer serving at John's retirement soiree. I made 3 narrow ones, roughly shaped and textured, and the one above was my favorite glaze. It actually is only an underglaze, and I really like it. I'm making a large one that I just rolled out today. Same idea. I find these little serving plates so useful.
Another platter/glaze experiment
Here's a larger one. The glaze isn't quite as bright as it appears here, but again, The idea is clear. My Louise's Leap stamp is imbedded in all of that texture. Ok. Maybe I overdid the texture.
We have also been enjoying the outdoors. After a pretty dreadful premature hot spell (103F is hot, even if it is a dry heat), we've had cool lovely Boise spring weather for the past several days, and it promises to continue. The tomatoes and basil are so confused.
Rosa multiflora in the mountains
The last day Jasper and I went to Lucky Peak will be our last one until the fall. I pulled 8 ticks out of my socks. Jasper only had a few, and they didn't latch on because of his tick-o-cide. Thank goodness.
So much was in bloom up there, though. I'm glad we saw it, even if we did have to share it with the ticks. Other humans must have realized that tick season had started, because we didn't see anyone, which is astonishing in our quickly growing city.
Snow at Bogus on Memorial Day
The three of us went up to Bogus Basin for a hike on Memorial Day. The extremes of weather in this part of the country never fail to surprise. There was snow, and no snow, depending on the orientation of the hillside. I'm always happy to see moisture of any sort, so this was fun, though some hikers hadn't worn appropriate footwear, so they were struggling.
A view from Bogus
I'll end with a view from the Bogus hike, and of course, an image of the handsomest dog in the universe.
The planning continues, and the flurry will increase as we approach our departure date of July 1.
Companion in all pursuits